Sunday, November 23, 2008

7 months & riding

The only way my mom and chris will let me still ride is if one of them is out there with me...i think it's more like supervising, and keeping me from doing anything but walking in a circle. they must be nervous that I'd do something like take my old fart over some tiny jumps, just to make sure we could still do it ;) hehehe
I'd like to state for the record, that even though I look huge in this picture, I was still able to get my legs up that high, and pull my big prego butt into the saddle. It was very fun, and my hubby will tell you that it was a much more enjoyable ride for me than for him... Peppa thought it would be fun to try and bite Buddy's rear the entire walk. LOL I found it hilarious, however Chris did not. Can't wait til our lil person is here and I can ride around the arena with him or her... imagine how nervous that'll make them.


rides2long said...

Erin, I enjoyed reading your blog about "baby resner". I am very sorry for your loss of Brody. He was such an expressive and fun dog. Animals have a way of connecting themselves to our hearts.Thank you for the invite to your shower. I won't be able to make it ,but I am heading to LaConner tomorrow to shop at a really cool baby store.I will miss not being able to see you and Chris in person so post a few pictures for me. Love Shelley and Tom

Candace said...

That is seriously impressive, Erin. I could hardly climb in and out of bed, let alone on and off a horse! Way to go!